Jaw joint treatment

For Your Healthy Smile

Randevu Talebi

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Jaw Joint Treatment

As in other parts of the body, each of the formations in the face-mouth region is vital. Because important functions such as speaking, swallowing, chewing and breathing are performed here. The jaw joint, which is a part of this region, is the most moving bone in the body and the only moving bone among the facial bones. The jaw joint disorder, which is seen in many people today, occurs in the soft and bony tissues of the joints and causes other problems over time. For this reason, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist doctor for the treatment of the jaw joint, which has a complex structure.

What are Jaw Joint Discomfort?

The jaw joint, also known as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), is a hinge-like structure between the jawbone and the skull. This living dynamic tissue has a very important role in the relationship between the lower and upper jaw bones and in the closing system of the teeth. This joint, located just in front of both ears, allows the jaw to move to the right, left, up and down. In this way, yawning, speaking and chewing movements are made.

The jaw joint is controlled by the muscles around it and attached to the joint. Around this joint are the lower and upper jaw bones and the cartilage disc. There are also structures with different processes, such as the relationship between fibers and muscles. The harmonious functioning of the jaw joint, which has a complex structure, is a health indicator. However, if this harmony specified in the jaw joint system is disrupted, jaw joint discomfort occurs. Therefore, jaw joint treatment should be performed by a specialist.

This disorder, which seriously reduces the quality of life of the person, mostly occurs in the young and middle age group. In addition, jaw joint disease is a complex condition that affects systems in different regions. Problems; It consists of a part of head and neck muscles, chewing muscles, jaw joint, salivary glands, lips, cheeks, teeth and joint ligaments. In addition, this problem can cause pain in the temples, under the chin, in the cheek muscles, in the front of the ears and around the eyes.

What Are the Symptoms of Jaw Joint Discomfort?

Jaw joint disorder, which is more common in women than in men, is mostly caused by disorders that develop in the lower and upper jaw bones. People suffering from this condition often experience pain for years. In addition, these symptoms, which are mild at first, increase and become more severe over time. The discomfort of the jaw joint structure causes the limitation of daily activities such as speaking, yawning and eating. Other symptoms of jaw joint disease are as follows;

  • Earache.
  • Ringing in the ear.
  • Pain around the eyes.
  • Feeling tired while eating.
  • Pain or stiffness in the neck.
  • dizziness.
  • Severe headache, usually in the morning or at night.
  • Jaw dislocation or locking.
  • Swelling in part of the face.
  • Jaw noise or clicking.
  • Limited mouth opening.
  • Difficulty eating or chewing gum.

While one or all of these symptoms can be seen in people with jaw joint disorders, they are critical for diagnosis. Thus, while the jaw joint treatment can be performed in the early period, it enables the person to get rid of these complaints that make life difficult.

What are the Causes of Jaw Joint Disorders?

It is necessary to pay maximum attention to oral and dental health in order to prevent jaw joint disease, which affects a large part of the society. Because this disease can occur for many different reasons. For example, it can be seen in people who have the habit of clenching their teeth during stress or grinding their teeth at night. In addition, there are some factors that predispose to jaw joint disorders. These;

  • Parafunctional habits such as chewing gum, talking a lot, biting nails and biting pencils.
  • Congenital anatomical disorders.
  • Neurological, psychiatric and psychological problems.
  • Posture and posture disorders.
  • Traumatic and very long dental procedures.
  • Systemic disorders and tumors affecting the head and neck region.
  • Traumas in the jaw area in situations such as sports and car accidents.
  • Tooth deficiencies.
  • Faulty prosthetic procedures that affect the function of the jaw.
  • Continuous one-sided chewing.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching.

All these reasons are of the nature to require the person to be screened by a specialist. Because although some symptoms are similar to other mild ailments, the possibility of jaw disease should still be considered. Thus, the necessary conditions for the treatment of the jaw joint are provided.

Diagnosis of Jaw Joint Disorders

The treatment process of the jaw joint, which is a dynamic living tissue, first begins with the diagnosis of a specialist doctor. First, the specialist obtains information about the person’s discomfort and symptoms. However, the diagnostic time takes approximately 30-40 minutes. It is questioned how often and at what hours the patient sees the complaints he/she experiences. Then, a detailed physical examination of the teeth, jaw joint, chewing muscles and the closing system of the teeth is performed.

During the examination, the physician places his fingers on the triangular part just in front of the person’s two ears. Then he asks the patient to open and close his mouth. In this order, a diagnosis is made for the developing opening limit, tension or sounds. After the physical examination, an X-ray of the person’s chin is taken. As a result of these examinations, the underlying cause of the jaw joint disorder is determined and the diagnosis is made. However, in some cases, the disease cannot be fully diagnosed with these procedures. If necessary, MR method is used, which helps to make a full diagnosis.

Jaw Joint Treatment

Different jaw joint treatment techniques are applied according to the underlying cause of this ailment and the severity of the ailment. The main purpose of jaw joint treatment is to regain normal and healthy jaw functions of the patient. In this process, the cooperation between the doctor and the patient during the treatment period is very important. Because the effectiveness of the treatment can only be understood if the patient’s complaints have decreased or not.

The type and duration of treatment are determined according to the degree of discomfort and the severity of the symptoms. However, these symptoms, which develop in many people, are temporary and do not usually cause more serious problems. With treatment, the cause of the disease is eliminated, and thus the complaints decrease and disappear on their own. However, no single treatment method is effective in curing the disease.

Jaw Joint Treatment Methods

The methods used in the treatment of this disease are as follows:

  • Soft diet that does not require much chewing.
  • In addition to chin opening and closing exercises, cold or hot complex applications to the joint area.
  • Pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant and sedative drugs to relieve muscle pain and prevent itching in the jaw.
  • Botox (botolinum toxin) application that reduces the load on the joint.
  • Use of splints to allow free and comfortable movement of the lower jaw.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) using a low level of electrical current.
  • Heat therapy, which is usually applied for joint pain or difficulty in movement.
  • Trigger point injections to inject anesthetics or pain relievers into the facial muscles.
  • Arthroscopy used to remove diseased tissue and fix the disc or condyle location.
  • Open joint surgery if there is degeneration in the jaw joint, serious injury, fracture or tumoral structure around the joint.

During the treatment of the jaw joint, many different methods listed above can be used. At the stage where these techniques do not work, the last surgical intervention is performed. The healing process varies according to the type and severity of the disease. In very severe cases, complete recovery is not always possible. The purpose of the jaw joint treatment process is to ensure that the person can perform daily jaw movements such as swallowing, speaking and eating without pain.

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