7 Important Questions for Dental Health During Pregnancy
7 Important Questions for Dental Health during Pregnancy

7 Important Questions for Dental Health During Pregnancy

For dental health during pregnancy, the expectant mother should be more cautious than ever.  Proper oral and dental care is very important for both baby health and maternal health. Hormone intake changes during pregnancy can affect the gums. So much so that possible gingival inflammations caused by this situation can even cause premature birth. During the pregnancy period, expectant mothers should give the necessary importance to their teeth and carry out the birth process with a specialist doctor.

How is Dental Treatment Done During Pregnancy?

Dental treatments for expectant mothers during pregnancy are structured by specialist physicians.  Local anesthesia is generally used in treatments. The opinion that there is no harm to the baby is common among doctors.  Antibiotics can also be used for dental health during pregnancy. But antibiotics should be under the control of obstetricians.

How Should Pregnant Women with Nausea Brush Their Teeth?

How Should Pregnant Women with Nausea Brush Their Teeth

The dental health of women in the process of pregnancy must be taken into consideration. In this respect, the expectant mother should also observe dental health on a daily basis. Brushing teeth regularly on a daily basis should not be overlooked. But women during pregnancy often have to skip the act of brushing their teeth because they suffer from nausea.

In general, nausea manifests itself in the early hours of the morning. This turns dental cleaning into cruelty. Pregnant women should tell their specialist doctors about this situation. In such cases, the specialist doctor for dental health in surgery gives protective plaque prevention or fluoride mouthwashes that will replace the brush in the morning.

What kind of treatment is applied to pregnant women with toothache?

Treatment options for toothache during pregnancy; It may vary according to which areas the pain affects, the severity of the pain, or the period of pregnancy. In order to prevent these situations, specialist physicians recommend a complete examination before pregnancy. Of course, the reason for this is that a complete intervention cannot take place during pregnancy. Cold compress treatment, especially mouthwash, is also recommended to mothers to reduce pain for dental health during pregnancy. When the pregnancy ends, a complete treatment will be applied by specialist physicians.

Are Chemical Substances in Dental Treatment Harmful to Mother and Baby?

The main reason why treatment options are limited during pregnancy is that chemical substances cannot be used. Chemicals or substances are one of the factors that may pose a danger to the health of the mother and baby. Painkillers and antibiotics can only be applied to the expectant mother with the approval of the obstetrician. In this sense, treatments that require chemical drugs for dental health in surgery are left until after birth.

Are Carious Teeth Harmful to the Baby in the Mother’s Womb?

Are Carious Teeth Harmful to the Baby in the Mother's Womb

Caries spreads many microbes throughout the body in the mouth. Micro always carries an element of risk to the mother or baby. For this, full care before pregnancy is essential for the expectant mother. If there is a bruise, caries should be treated. Even if there is no pain, the necessary precautions should be taken for the health of both the baby and the mother-to-be. In this regard, your specialist doctor will guide you and convince you about the importance of treatment.  You should have the treatment of your decayed teeth for dental health during pregnancy before pregnancy.

How to Stop Gum Bleeding During Pregnancy?

Hormone levels that vary depending on pregnancy can make your tooth or gums hypersensitive. This sensitivity will bring easy bleeding. Even the slightest physical blow to your gums will lead to bleeding. You may encounter this situation a lot, especially when brushing your teeth. To prevent bleeding, you can change your toothbrush.

You can opt for a softer bristled toothbrush and keep it away from your gums. You can pay attention to your flossing and take care not to brush your teeth too hard. In cases where bleeding is excessive,  do not forget to see your specialist dentist for dental health during pregnancy.

How to Protect Dental Health During Pregnancy?

Maintaining dental health during pregnancy is a much more difficult task. The changing hormone upsets the balance of the body. This condition is both psychological and physical. Physically, teeth are one of the most sensitive areas. It is necessary to pay much more attention to the teeth during pregnancy.   We must avoid very hot or very cold foods and drinks. We should put aside alcohol and cigarettes and cut the consumption of carbonated drinks. While doing all this,  teeth should be brushed at least twice a day for dental health during pregnancy.


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