What Are the Differences Between Teeth Whitening and Dental Cleaning?
The most important element of aesthetics as well as the basis of human life are teeth.
It is also important that the teeth, which are the first step of nutrition, are clean and well-groomed. For this, a dental consciousness starting from infancy required. But no matter how well cared for, teeth need to be clean from time to time. At the same time, bleaching is one of the most needed methods. So, I there a difference between teeth whitening and dental cleaning? Does having the tooth cleaned to make it whiten at the same time?
The point where medicine, and technology have come up with answers to all these questions. First, tooth cleaning is extreme necessary to prevent formations such as tartar. That cannot destroy by brushing. In today’s technology, there are cleaning ways that cause the least damage to tooth enamel. Teeth whitening is a technological method of reaching “pearl-like” teeth. For this, different bleachers and rays used.
What is Teeth Whitening?
Teeth stains cause of genetic factors, nutrition, and lifestyle. In particular, cigarettes, tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks brings stain of the teeth. At this stage, teeth whitening and teeth cleaning come to the agenda. But beware! First of all, it is necessary to determine why the tooth color changes. Because tooth color can change due to internal and external factors.
The internal factor may be due to antibiotics taken in the womb and some drugs used in children. Besides, changes can seen in tooth color depending on age. In the external factor, the diet mentioned is effective.
At this stage, the detection should done correct and the correct bleaching way should be use. But, it is important for the specialist physician to decide on this need. After the examination, the methods determined as home type and office type used. In this process, which is in sessions, some chemicals and radiation used. In tooth whitening and dental cleaning performed at the right time and in the right way. Thanks to that whitening is increasing.
What is Dental Cleaning?
Since the mouth area provides the entry of nutrients, it exposes to a lot of external factors. The effect of acidic foods on the teeth seen over time. The greatest effect seen in tartar formations, also known as dental calculus. In the area where the tooth and gum meet, small stones form depending on nutrition.
Even if brushed, the formation of tartar brings tooth and gum diseases if not cleaned. Because it cannot be completely prevented. The damage caused by tartar starts in the gum and can reach healthy roots.
For this reason, tooth whitening and dental cleaning should perform by specialist physicians. And also in clinical environments. Because in the cleaning of a very sensitive area such as the gum. Only a specialist should use the appropriate equipment. Dental cleaning is way by the physician cleans harmful things with special materials. Those aren’t damage to the tooth enamel.
Are Teeth Cleaning and Whitening Harmful?
Oral and dental health is a matter under everyone’s own control. The level of a high level of strength in this regard ensures that you have a healthy mouth structure. But, it is necessary to get help from an expert for results. Because that cannot achieve with routine maintenance. Although teeth known as the hardest structures in the human body. Their delicate structure should not be forgot. That’s why, a good clinic with specialists should selected for teeth whitening and dental cleaning.
Teeth cleaning was not harmful when done in the right way, in the right hands. It is normal for the teeth to develop sensitivity immediately after cleaning. But, after cleaning, the recommendations of the physician should follow. With the sensitive behavior of the patient, there can be no harm in dental cleaning.
When teeth whitening and teeth cleaning done together, healthier results can get. There can be no harm in bleaching either. But, the bleaching process is a period. And the advices of the physician are very important during this process. The patient’s effort is more important than the specialists for the success of the way.
Differences Between Teeth Whitening and Dental Cleaning
Having pearl-like teeth is everyone’s dream. But first of all, it is important to raise awareness about oral and dental care.
Cleaning the tooth is the removal of harmful formations such as tartar. In this process, at the same time, the stains on the teeth are remove, albeit part of. But this process is not exactly a bleaching process.
In the tooth whitening process, some polishes and especially rays use. Stains such as cigarettes and coffee can also end. For this reason, it is important to apply the right way during job whitening and teeth cleaning.